Art and Culture
From sculptures to statues, modern libraries to ancient buildings, lighting for art and culture demands sensitivity and careful consideration. It also demands lighting which is able to complement and enhance the structure.
The projects here demonstrate how outdoor and indoor lighting can transform and enrich while meeting performance expectations.
Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Belgium
A temple for the art of lighting

Niort Music Hall and Sports Centre, France
Alumet Stage LEDs add drama and excitement to Niort’s Music Hall and Sports Centre
Gotberg Winery, Czech Republic
Thorn gets wine enthusiasts in the mood
Augustins Museum, France
First Thorn ‘Graffiti’ spotlights light Toulouse Museum

National Glass Centre, UK
Thorn Lighting transforms National Glass Centre chimneys into impressive landmark

Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre
Thorn revitalises the landscape at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre with outdoor lighting